Friday, October 21, 2011

Remedy for Kids Mild Fever - Lemon Slice

Last year during my confinement, I read a book, titled "病是教养出来的" (illnesses are cultivated), written by "许姿妙医师".
The writer is a Chinese Medicine Physician by profession but practice and advocate Waldorf Education system in raising children. In August this year, I was fortunate to be able to attend her workshop at Bodhi Temple, Penang (a beautiful place, surrounded by nature); this one day workshop is mainly focused on analyzing and educating the 4 different characters in children.

During the Q&A session at the workshop, participants were given time to ask, discuss and clarify matters related to educating children which centred around learning, commitment and caring as well as health. The workshop was a learning curve for many parents on educating children from the Waldoft perspective. One of the questions were on how to treat children's fever with lemon slice; which is penned in her book as well.
Few days ago, my 16 months old daughter was in mild fever, ~ 38+ degree C, just before the bedtime. I treated her with the "lemon slice" remedy. It works! Steps I did:
1. cradle her to deep sleep.

2. Place a slice of lemon on each of her sole and slip her feet into socks gently.

3. Also, rub her forehead and palms with wet cloth occassionally throughout the night.

4. Repeat step 2 and 3 the second night, just to make sure her body temperature maintain at normal.
** Always keep some fresh lemons in the fridge, good aids (with honey) for sore throat as well..
Thanks for the remedy, 许姿妙医师!

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